Thursday, October 25, 2012

Uniquely Sharp Bookmark!

Here's a feast for your eyes but watch your fingers! :) We have seen some very interesting items that have been used and designed to mark pages. We have never seen something that was designed to mark pages like this bookmark. There are three fairly sharp pieces of steel connected with a spring. We feel it may not have been the best design for your paper product or fingers. The item is marked "New Type Bible Scott Abbott MFG. Co." It was, of course, found in a Bible. We are posting this item up for auction on eBay. It was so unusual we wanted to share it with all of our friends.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Fun Fact for October 23

While working and preparing for the upcoming book sale we discovered a fun fact for the day. So, from our random findings as a gift to you. 

On this day it is said, and often happens, that the swallows of San Juan Capistrano Mission in California arrive each May 19th and depart for the winter each year on October 23. The departure date is the anniversary of the death of St. John- San Juan- of Capistrano after whom the mission is named.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Hello to all!!  Here we are coming to you live from Gethsemane United Methodist Church.  We are having a wonderful time and as you can see we're making a lot of new friends as well.  Thanks to all of those for coming to check us out!!  See you soon.

Friday, October 19, 2012

We're on the move!

This just in. . .  We will be set up for the Fall Bazaar at the Gethsemane United Methodist Church. Come join us. There will be food, crafts and lots of fun! Come check out our wares along with lots of other vendors.  Bring all your friends and family for a GREAT time!!  The festivities start at 7 am.  We hope to see you there.

The address is. . . 

 Gethsemane United Methodist Church
100 NC Hwy 150 W
Greensboro, NC 27455

Monday, October 15, 2012

Yukie Adams In Da House

We have just added a signed Yukie Adams print to our online inventory. Keep watch as we develop our online art selection.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Many Thanks!

We wrapped up the book sale today. It was wonderful to meet so many new friendly faces and always a pleasure to have some time with our friends. We greatly appreciate your support and interest in the book sale, our booths and our online inventory. We thank you for business and look forward to preparing for the next sale. See ya then!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

What???? Free Books?....You Betcha!

It is the last day of our regular book sale
and we have 
hundreds of FREE BOOKS to give away!

 All types. Fiction, Nonfiction, Paperback and Hardback.

All other Book Sale Books are under $1.00

The free books are mixed in with the other books that are not free, but they are clearly marked with YELLOW stickers. Boxes available under the sale tables. Take as many of the free ones that you want. Once they are gone they are gone. We do not want to have to pack them all up at the end of the day, the less the better. We will be accepting offers on all the remaining non-free items @ 5:00 PM. We do not know if there are specific titles available as it is a mix. Come on in and take a gander.

The address is:
Golden Antiques & Treasures
4537 Hwy. 220 N., Summerfield, NC


Friday, October 12, 2012

Spooky! Books $1.00 and Under!

Tomorrow will be day three of the book sale!

We are preparing for Halloween and day three of the book sale. Saturday prices will be lowered to $1.00 and below on the items in the sale. These great finds will be inside regardless of the weather outside and doors are open until 6:00PM. So come and join us!

Our friends at Golden Antiques & Treasures and A.R.F.P. will be down the street at 7779 Hwy. 68 N. in Stokesdale, NC. They are sponsoring the Stokesdale Fall Festival where there will be live music, vendors and food. They will be there from 7:00AM to (?). While in the neighborhood check it out, it is sure to be a blast!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

BOOk Sale Set Up!

The October BOOk sale is set up and we are ready to go. The doors will be open at 10:00 AM, so bring your treat sacks and be prepared to fill them up with some spooktacular deals. Tomorrow is the first day and all books are two dollars and under. Be sure to stop by and say hello to Beatrix the book loving witch!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October's Book Sale

Book Sale

OCT. 11th-14th 2012

2000+ books - Fiction, Misc. Nonfiction titles, Softcover and Hardcover,
Specially marked books for the sale all priced under $2.00

Golden Antiques & Treasures
4537 US 220 N.
Summerfield, NC. 27358