WHAT A GREAT DAY!! Hello to everyone!! The pictures above are of the BIG Yard Sale - Book Sale day. So much FUN!! The weather was beautiful and as you can see there were a lot of people who came out to enjoy the festivities.
We not only had the book sale going on inside the antique mall but we also had a tent set up outside with the other vendors as part of the yard sale. Our tent is the one pictured above with the balloons attached to it. There was live music and it brought out the dancing bug in some people. Gotta love it!! In the end, it turned out to be a wonderful day. We talked with a lot of people, some of which were familiar faces and the others were of some new friends we made. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all of the customers we had and to all of those people who helped us with the Book Sale. Each and every one of you hold a special place in our hearts. The book sale was a BIG success and there was a lot of talk of how well it was received. We are so glad!! So, with that in mind, get ready book lovers because we will be doing this again. Stay tuned. . . we will keep you posted as to when the next one will be. It won't be long. I promise. C-ya soon!!:)
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